GÜR DALKIRAN Click for Artist Information

Tuval üzeri yağlı boya, 30x30 cm, Çerçeveli


Gür Dalkıran was born in Ankara in 1940. At the age of 11, 13 and 17 he has opened three exhibions, displaying his childhood works. He has received many prizes along with the top awards at the contests that were arranged by Yapı Kredi Bank at the competition organised by the Turkish Red Crescent (Kızılay). He has also succeeded in receiving the top awards at the two contests, which were arranged by The Ankara Radio, as Well as at the competitions which were organised in India and in the City of Phladelphia. His two paintings from this period are in the Presidential Collections.


Gür Dalkıran displayed three solo exhibitions in 1997 (Ankara), in 2000 (İstanbul) and in 2001 (Ankara). In 2011 , Dalkıran arranged a retrospective exhibion covering almost all his works of paintings and architectural studies which were reflecting the three major era of his paintings produced in 60 years.


Gür Dalkıran has participated many exhibitions and art fairs in Ankara, in İstanbul. He has also displayed his paintings at many exhibitions in Russia, France, Greece, Kosovo, Kazakhistan and Kırkhizistan. He made an exhibition at Pulchri Studio Holland in 2013.


Dalkıran currently continues his studies in his atelier located in his Transparan Art Gallery. He teaches paintings in his gallery as Well as in the studios of other institutions.